
Wednesday, February 13, 2013



Arina Ephipania Simangunsong

Birthday: 1978-05-04 in Bandung,West Java
Position: Vocalist & Flute
She graduated with Bachelor of Arts degree from National Institue of Technology in Bandung together with Riko (guitar).
Her middle name carries a resemblance of the Greek word epiphania, which means ‘manifestation’, often referring to the appearance of a divine being. Without a doubt, many have testified about the divine beauty of her voice and mystifying stage presence.
A fan of Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra, Arina has picked up the right mix of stage gestures and musical dynamics often found in jazz and folk-dixie tunes. Her way of simply having fun on stage is what makes her different from any other performers in Indonesia.
She never tried so hard to impress the audience and she prefers to express her true feelings when singing the songs, instead. Her singing voice in My Diary did just that perfectly well. It is her dream to sing for Walt Disney productions someday. With her outstanding vocal ability she won’t have too wait to long for that dream to come true.

Riko Prayitno

Birthday: 1977-01-29 in Bogor, West Java
Position: Guitar

He, too, graduated from the same college as Arina did. He picked up guitar at an early age and begun playing professionally since the college years together with Arina. 
To him, a guitar is not just an instruments that one would play, but rather, an extension of his musical ideas constantly evolving in his minds.“Just like Totto-chan was a chatter-box in the classroom, Riko is like a jukebox strumming non-stop from dawn to dusk with his beloved full-sized, full-acoustic red Ibanez.”
An advocate of a famous Japanese book Totto-chan, Riko’s method of playing the guitar is just as playful as the students in the railroad carriage classroom depicted in the book. Just like Totto-chan was a chatter-box in the classroom, Riko is like a jukebox strumming non-stop from dawn to dusk with his beloved full-sized, full-acoustic red Ibanez made from very hard wood ebony, which provides a pure, bright jazz tone with increased presence.

Achmad Pratama ‘Toma’

Birthday: 1976-06-27 in Bandung,West Java
Position: Bass

A product designer by training, Toma has excelled in setting up the key components in their music.
His punctual bass tone accentuates the tempo and rhythm set by Indra’s drumming skill. "One may say the way Toma plays the bass resembles the way he walks, talks and sings". Indeed, he is very true to himself both on and off the stage.
Sting and Phil Collins have inspired the way he lives and breathes music. And so has Teh Botol.

Indra Massad

Birthday: 1976-01-31 in Medan, North Sumatra
Position: Drums

He and Toma studied product design in Bandung together and joined Mocca at about the same time. Unlike other drummers that use many tom-toms and cymbals, "Indra’s prefers the simplicity and versatility of a single snare drum". His brush technique during acoustic sessions acts just like seven different mallets making seven different tones. 
He is well known for his infatuation with toys that he’s kept since childhood. Who knows if he still keeps the little toy drums and old Teh Botol bottles that he grew up with. No doubt about it, he is probably one of the best soulful drummers out there.

4 komentar:

Unknown said...

unique! as always

Anonymous said...

paling inget yg my only one

dhehanihatang said...

eniwey, i love ur template
gewees yaaaa:*

Unknown said...

wow jdi suka sm band mocca ni,sbelomnya saya suka moccacino

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